Since the end of 2022, some tenders in the field of infrastructure maintenance already require the application of effective technologies based on Artificial Intelligence for infrastructure monitoring.

These types of requirements make it possible to address two traditional problems in the maintenance of infrastructures and road works: the efficiency of inspections to have the best possible signage, and therefore, the safety of workers and users.

The improvement in the inspection efficiency is very evident when monitoring the infrastructure with Computer Vision. In fact, the first automated inspections of a region or a neighborhood make it possible to detect a large number of incidents, which are not always easy for those responsible to manage. Everything that was “under the carpet” is suddenly highlighted. But knowledge is always beneficial, because it allows you to plan jobs that were previously only done on demand in very specific situations, and allows you to drastically reduce the list of incidents.

The improvement in the safety of workers and users is the most important and immediate impact. If workers don’t have to stop on the road to perform inspections or take notes, accidents will be reduced. If the road markings are better maintained, especially in places with risk of exiting the road, accidents will be reduced. If the traffic signs are repaired or replaced in the shortest possible time, accidents will be reduced.

And all of that is accomplished simply, including Computer Vision inspection requirements in the tenders.

Here you can see some examples of tenders with these requirements: Bilbao City Council and Interbiak.