Monitoring Work Zones for Bizkaia Regional Council and Interbiak
- Execution date: from June of 2023 to March 2024
- Monitored lane length: 6 km (twice a day)
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 1 vehicle of the work zone
- Video language: Spanish (subtitles in English)
Monitoring of highway in Catalonia
- Execution date: from June of 2023 to nowadays
- Monitored lane length: 240 km
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 1 inspector vehicle
- Video language: Spanish
Frequent monitoring of roads of Region of Madrid
- Execution date: from December of 2020 to nowadays
- Monitored lane length: 68 km weekly monitored
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 2 inspector vehicles
- Video language: Spanish
Analysis of roads for Junta de Extremadura
- Execution date: from March to June of 2022
- Monitored lane length: 13.5 km
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 1 inspector vehicle
- Video language: spanish
Project in Municipality of Cunit
- Execution date: from March the 1st to May the 25th of 2022
- Monitored lane length: 144 km
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 4 police patrol vehicles
- Video language: spanish and english
Proof of Concept with KPN and Rijkswaterstaat
- Execution date: from March the 1st to June the 10th of 2022
- Monitored lane length: 102 km
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 2 patrol vehicles of RWS
- Video language: dutch
Monitoring of Works for Gipuzkoa Regional Government
- Execution date: from October the 1st to December the 31st of 2020
- Monitored lane length: 3 work zones
- Frequency of the monitoring: Twice per day
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 1 vehicle of the work
- Video language: spanish
Project with Autonomous Vehicle of TECNALIA
- Execution date: from June the 1st to June the 16th of 2020
- Monitored lane length: 4 km
- Vehícles with acquisition system: 1 autonomous vehicle
- Video language: spanish