ASIMOB. Advanced Services In Mobility.
ASIMOB is a technology startup created in Bilbao (north of Spain) by entrepreneurs with extensive experience in international technology companies.
Born with the aim of improving the safety of current road users and Autonomous Vehicles of the future, our solutions are aimed at Road Authorities, maintenance companies and infrastructure data managers, since they will obtain objective data for action and investment decisions.

In many accidents, the road conditions play a relevant role, sometimes worsening the consequences of the accident and other times causing it.
In road maintenance, knowledge of conditions was limited to what the eye could see, with the infrastructure manager ‘disconnected’ from the details of road assets.
ASIMOB connects road managers with their infrastructures, to find out what is happening on a daily basis and store evidence of it.

On-board equipment, with sensors and cameras, installed in vehicles that circulate normally on streets and highways, to collect data and video of the places to be monitored.
Cloud services that automatically detect, classify and analyse traffic signs, road markings, pavement irregularities and protections, thanks to Computer Vision and Data Analytics.
Web application that displays information with high added value for end users. It can be connected through an API to Smart City platforms or traffic platforms and the information can be mixed with other external sources.

For ASIMOB, the way of doing things is relevant. We believe in the benefits of applying the Sustainable Development Goals.
We apply criteria for equality, diversity and recognition of staff and collaborators, we promote services that have a positive impact on the Environment and we work daily for Road Safety in interurban and urban infrastructures.