More and more City Councils want to monitor their streets automatically. But, as this is a process that did not exist until now, how does it fit into ordinary procurement processes? Below we show you 3 examples of how our clients are solving it.

For inventory services in small municipalities, a minor contract can be used to make very useful inventories and status analyses. We have just done this with Abadiño (Bizkaia) or Eivissa (Balearic Islands).

Then, each country has its own regulation; in the Spanish regulation there is also the possibility of applying the simplified open procedure for services of up to 143,000€ and the super-simplified procedure for services of up to 60,000€, according to the law of contracts in its article 159.

For larger municipalities, the most common way is to incorporate it into the contracting specifications of maintenance companies, since one of their functions may be inspection and this inspection can be carried out much more efficiently with the Autonomous Urban Inspector. Below we show an example of the specifications published by the Las Rozas City Council.

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